Year 2020:
23. 8. 2020 - Trnava organ days 2020, Trnava, st. Nicolas cathedral Trnava
28. 6. 2020 - Trnava music spring 2020, Trnava, st. Nicolas cathedral Trnava
1. 2. 2020 - Veľký koncert na záver festivalu, Izrael
1. 2. 2020 - Koncert v Kultúrnom centre “Beit Gabriel”, Izrael
31. 1. 2020 - Koncert v kostole v Magdale, Izrael
30. 1. 2020 – Otvárací koncert festivalu Sea of Galilee, Izrael, Divadlo Kibbutz Kinneret
17. 1. 2020 - Praha - INEKAFE 25 rokov symphonic tour, Fórum Karlín Praha
15. 1. 2020 - Bratislava - INEKAFE 25 rokov symphonic tour, NTC Bratislava
5. 1. 2020 - Dvorníky - Vianočný koncert, kostol Dvorníky
Year 2019:
28. 12. 2019 - Ružindol -Vianočný koncert v Ružindole – Kostol sv. Bartolomeja, Ružindol
22. 12. 2019 - Trnava - Vianočný koncert v Trnave – Evanjelický kostol, Trnava
20. 12. 2019 - Rusovce - Vianočný koncert v Rusovciach – Evanjelický kostol, Rusovce
23. 10. 2019 - Bratislava - Orfeus 2019 - Vysoká škola múzických umení, Bratislava
12. 10. 2019 - Trnava - Koncert venovaný 50. výročiu založenia zboru Trnavských gymnázií Cantica nova
30. 8. – 1. 9. 2019 - Mikulov - Festival KAMPANILA 2019
11. 8. 2019 - Trnava - Trnavské organové dni – Bazilika sv. Mikuláša
19. 6 - 23. 6. 2019 - Festival Alta Pusteria – oblasť Alta Pusteria, Taliansko
25. 5. 2019 - Nechanice - Festiválek 2019 Nechanice – Stretnutie komorných speváckych zborov
Year 2013:
22/12/2013 - Trnava - Christmas concert - Marianum
9/11/2013 - Trnava - An Evening with Tirnavia, celebrating 25th anniversary of constitution of the choir Tirnavia
7/9/2013 - Trnava - The choral days of Trnava
6/9/2013 - Trnava - The choral days of Trnava
5/7/2013 - Bratislava - st. Martin's catherdal, Pavol Krška - Cyril a Metod
24/5/2013 - Trnava - performance - Night of churches 2013
20/4/2013 - Bratislava - P.Krška - Te Deum laudamus, st. Martin's catherdal
Year 2012:
23/12/2012 - Vienna (A) - christmas performance
21/12/2012 - Trnava - Christmas concert, st. Jacob's church
15/12/2012 - Trnava - Trnava - performance on christmas market
27/10/2012 - Trnava - beneficial concert
2/9/2012 - Bratislava - st. Martin's catherdal, S. Šurin - Missa Tirnaviensis, Slovak philharmonic orchestra
31/8/2012 - Trenčianske Teplice - kúpeľná dvorana, S. Šurin - Missa Tirnaviensis, Slovak philharmonic orchestra
25/3/2012 - Trnava - Franz Liszt - VIA CRUCIS - st. Nicolas cathedral Trnava
Year 2011:
18/12/2011 - Trnava - Christmas concert, St. John Baptist cathedral
4/12/2011 - Vienna (A) - christmas performance
5/11/2011 - Trnava - beneficial concert - St. Jacob's church , Trnava
17/9/2011 - Trnava - "Trnavské dni lásky, pokoja a porozumenia" - J. Palárik's theatre
3/9/2011 - Trnava - The choral days of Trnava - performance
2/9/2011 - Trnava - The choral days of Trnava - A little jazz mass, West side story
9/7/2011 - airport Trenčín - Festival Pohoda - Antonio Vivaldi: Gloria
10/4/2011 - Bratislava - Franz Liszt: Via Crucis, st. Martin's catherdal
Year 2010:
19/12/2010 - Trnava - Christmas concert, St. John Baptist cathedral
18/12/2010 - Trnava - performance on christmas market
12/12/2010 - Vienna (A) - christmas performance
24/9/2010 - Trnava organ days – closing concert - Josef Chládek: Missa solemnis - cond. Leoš Svárovský, Žilina chamber orchestra
4/7/2010 - Terchová - Cyril and Metod days - cond. Leoš Svárovský, Žilina chamber orchestra - Stanislav Šurin: Missa Tirnaviensys
1/7/2010 - Piešťany - 55th Piešťany festival - cond. Leoš Svárovský, Žilina chamber orchestra - Stanislav Šurin: Missa Tirnaviensys
25/4/2010 - Trnava - Festival Trnava music spring, Cond. Oskar Rózsa, Slovak national theatre chamber orchestra - Arvo Pärt in cathedral
Year 2009:
23/12/2009 - Trnava - Christmas concert, St. John Baptist cathedral
19/12/2009 - Voderady - Christmas concert
13/12/2008 - Vienna (A) - christmas performance
7/11/2009 - Trnava - performance on 40th aniversary of the choir Cantica nova
31/10/2009 - Trnava - An Evening with Tirnavia
20/9/2009 - Trnava - concert with Maebashi female choir (Japan), St. John Baptist cathedral
11/9/2009 - Trnava organ days – closing concert
19/6/2009 - Mikulov (CZ) - concert, St. John Baptist church
6/6/2009 - Trnava - coronaration of new Trnava's arcibishop Robert Bezák, St. John Baptist cathedral, live on STV
21/5/2009 - Bratislava - Missa Criola - performance on company action, historical building of Slovak national theatre
11/3/2009 - Awards OTO 2008 (live on STV), performance with Tina, historical building of Slovak national theatre
Year 2008:
21/12/2008 - Trnava - Christmas concert, St. John Baptist cathedral
20/12/2008 - Voderady - Christmas concert
20/12/2008 - Trnava - performance on christmas market
12/12/2008 - Holíč - Christmas concert
6/12/2008 - Vienna (A) - christmas performance
23/11/2008 An Evening with TIRNAVIA - Galaconcert in occasion of 20th aniversary of constitution of the choir Tirnavia, concert hall Marianum, Trnava
15/11/2008 An Evening with TIRNAVIA - Galaconcert in occasion of 20th aniversary of constitution of the choir Tirnavia, J. Palárik's Theatre
11/10/2008 Trnava choir days - (B-CATEGORY – profane music), Hviezda Cinema
11/10/2008 Trnava choir days - "ZBORY ZBOROM", Hviezda Cinema, Trnava
10/10/2008 Trnava choir days - (A-CATEGORY - sacral music), St. Trinity church, Trnava
10/10/2008 Trnava choir days - OPENING OF THE FESTIVAL TZD 2008, St. Jacob's church , Trnava
9/10/2008 Trnava choir days - St. Trinity church, Trnava
15/9/2008 Trnava - Trnava organ days – closing concert
14/9/2008 Skalica - Musica sacra Skalica – closing concert of the festival
13/9/2008 Trnava - performance on Trnava days of love, peace and mutual understanding
13/7/2008 Trnava - performance on Trnavské záhradné slávnosti (Trnava garden fest)
4 -6/7/2008 Spittal (A) - competition
1/7/2008 Trnava, concert saal Marianum
12/3/2008 Bratislava - Awards OTO 2007 (live on STV), performance with Adriana Kučerová, Peter Dvorský, Anton Popovič
Year 2007:
23/12/2007 - Trnava - christmas concert, 7pm, St. John Baptist cathedral
22/12/2007 - Voderady - christmas concert
18/12/2007 Trnava 18:00 - christmas performance in theatre
9/12/2007 - Wienna (A) - christmas performance
8/12/2007 Trnava 11:30am - performance on christmas market
7/12/2007 Trnava - concert with italian choir in Trnava , 6:30pm
5/12/2007 Trnava 6:30pm - performance on St. Nicolaus action of the town Trnava
24/11/2007 Bratislava - performance on christmas market
19/11/2007 - Brno (CZ) - performance with girls choir Kantilena
17/11/2007 – Trnava - An Evening with Tirnavia, christening of the new christmas CD
15/11/2007 Trnava - Marianum - concert for Trnava university
10/11/ 2007 Trnava - performance on holy mass at international meeting of Knights Hospitallers, st. John of Baptist catherdal
4/11/2007 - Musica sacra Skalica – closing concert of the festival
3/11/2007 - Trnava - Fauré: Requiem, st. John of Baptist catherdal
12/10/2007 - Trnava - performance on Trnava Choir Days 2007
30/9/2007 - Trnava, concert with japanese womens choir Ageo Choral Association, st. Jacob's church
23 -28/7/2007 – Torrevieja (E), competition
20 - 21/7/ 2007 – Cantonigros (E), competition
13/7/2007 – concert Trnava, st. Jacob's church 7:30pm
5/7/2007– Modling (A), L. Vierne: Solemn Mass (organ – S. Šurin)
5/7/2007 – Wien (A), Peterskirche
Year 2006:
25/12/2006 - Christmas performance, Trnava23/12/2006 - Christmas concert Trnava
17/12/2006 - Christmas performance Wien
16/12/2006 - Christmas concert Voderady
16/12/2006 - Trnava, Trinity Square - "Carols on Square"
5/12/2006 - Bratislava - 135th aniversary of M. Sch. Trnavsky birth - Bratislava castle
19/11/2006 - Hodonín (CZ)
4/11/2006 - An Evening with Tirnavia - J. Palárik Theathre in Trnava
12/10/2006 - Trnava - Trnava choir days 2006
8/10/2006 - Skalica - Musica Sacra Skalica – closing concert
23/9/2006 - Trnava - Trnava organ days – closing concert
8-13/8/2006 - Neuchatel (CH) – competition
16/7/2006 - Elsenfeld (Germany) - competition - kat. B
15/7/2006 - Elsenfeld (Germany) - competition - kat. A
14/7/2006 - Eichenbühl (Germany)
9/7/2006 - Trnava, Trnava synagogue
21/6/2006 - Evropský svátek hudby - Brno (CZ), Old townhall
2/4/2006 - Performance – St. John Church in Trnava
Year 2005:
23/12/2005 - Trnava - Christmas concert
21/12/2005 - Voderady - Christmas concert
18/12/2005 - Wien - Christmas concert
17/12/2005 - Trnava, Trinity Square - "Carols on Square"
11/12/2005 - Bernolákovo - Christmas concert
5/11/2005 - J. Palárik theatre, Trnava - An evening with Tirnavia
14/10/2005 - Trnava - opening concert of Trnava choir days
13/10/2005 - Trnava - Trnava choir days
7/10/2005 - Trnava - Trnava organ days, st. Jacob's church
13/8/2005 - Lillienfeld (A) – L. Vierne: Solemn Mass (organ – S. Šurin)
5/7/2005 - Trnava, st. Jacob's church - PEOPLE MEET PEOPLE (Ľudia spoznávajú Ľudí)
3/4/2005 - Madunice - performance on celebration of the 220th aniversary of birth of Jan Holly
2/1/2005 - Ružindol - New Year's concert
Year 2004:
24/12/2004 - Bratislava, TV Markiza - live performance in TV Markíza
22/12/2004 - Church in Voderady - Christmas concert
21/12/2004 - Trnava, Trinity Square - "Carols on Square"
19/12/2004 -Trnava,st.Jacob's church - Benefical Christmas concert
16/12/2004 - Senica - Christmas concert
31/10/2004 - Trnava, St. Jacob's church - performance on concert of Vocal Ensemble CANTANDO (Belgium)
30/10/2004 - Trnava, J. Palárik Theatre- Concert "An Evening with Tirnavia" conected with christening of the new CD
27/10/2004 - Nitra - performance on presentation of company KRKA
21/10/2004 - Žilina - performance on presentation of company KRKA
16/10/2004 - Trnava, Aula STU - performance on concert in occasion of 35 th aniversary of constitution of the choir Cantica Nova
1/10/2004 - Trnava, St. Nicolaus church - Closing concert of the festival “Trnava Organ Days”
4/7/2004 - CZ, Pardubice - concert IFAS 2004, "Galaconcert of Nations"
4/7/2004 - CZ, Pardubice - competition IFAS 2004, GRAND PRIX
2/7/2004 - CZ, Pardubice - competition IFAS 2004, category folklore
2/7/2004 - CZ, Pardubice - competition IFAS 2004, category mixed choirs
1/7/2004 - CZ, Pardubice - opening concert IFAS 2004
29/6/2004 - Trnava, Synagogue - Preparation concert before the competition in Pardubice
30/4/2004 - Congress center NC SR, "Župné" square in Bratislava - Presentation on jubilee session NC SR at entry SR to EU
15/4/2004 - Culture house in Trnava – Performance under a beneficial concert for Home of Social Services for Adults “Humanum” in Zavar
4/1/2004 - Boleráz, New Year's Concert
Year 2003:
24/12/2003 - Bratislava, TV Markiza - Live in TV Markiza23/12/2003 - Trnava, hypermarket TESCO - Christmas Carols
21/12/2003 - Trnava, St. Jacob's church - Christmas concert of Mixed choir TIRNAVIA with Trnava Chamber Orchestra
14/12/2003 - Church in Voderady - Christmas concert
7/12/ 2003 - Trnava, Trinity square - Carols on square
26/11/2003 - Trnava, Synagogue - Concert with the programme from the gala concert "Evening with Tirnavia"
22/11/2003 - Trnava, J. Palárik's Theatre, Galaconcert in occasion of 15 th aniversary of constitution of the choir Tirnavia
20/11/2003 - Madunice, Culture House
16/10/2003 - Trnava, St. Jacob's church, (Trnava choir days)
17/06/2003 - Trnava, festive setting foundation-stone of car factory PSA in Trnava
26/04/2003 - CH, Montreux, Auditorium Stravinski
24/04/2003 - CH, Le Noir Mont
23/04/2003 - CH, Montreux, Auditorium Stravinski, competition
16/04/2003 - Trnava, Synagogue in Trnava
12/04/2003 - Trnava, Jesuitic church
30/01/2003 - Smolenice, Smolenice Castle (company event)
10/01/2003 - Trnava, Trnava's Theatre - The Mirror Hall (private evening party)