Ladies and Gentlemen,

If your company is one of those that organize balls, annual meetings, different business events, etc. for their employees, as an artistic body we would like to appeal on you with our offer of an artistic performance as a part of a cultural programme, which is usually a part of these events.

Repertoire which we can offer includes:

    a) slovak folk songs,
    b) adaptations of well known songs and negro spirituals,
    c) compositions of  Barroque, Renaissance  and Romanticism,
    d) music of the  20th century,

    e) Christmas carols.

The charge for our performance depends on its lenght and difficulty, so it is agreed individually.  On top of this is the transport (either by personal cars, or by bus).

In case of your interest in a performance of the singing choir Tirnavia on some of yours events we will be glad to meet you personally.


Mgr. Beáta Šimorová, president - 0915 739 432


Translated by Natasa Lehotova