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During the 4th year of Trnava’s Choir Days there was a Slovak national competition of chosen choirs of A-category. We won the 3rd place from 8 judged choirs and we got the prize for the best dramaturgy from The Slovak National Association. Even if we didn’t win, the 3rd place meant, that we forever located our choir among the best mixed choirs in Slovakia and this alone was an adequate satisfaction. We thus fulfilled our long-lasting aim in an extremely short time.

4th year of Trnava’s Choir Days – 12-15th November 1992
Participants: - MSZ Cantus Bratislava - SZ Matice Slovenskej Martin - Akademický SZ Mladosť B. Bystrica - MSZ Tempus Bratislava - ŽSZ Iventus paedagogica PF UPJŠ Prešov - ŽKZ Košických učiteliek Košice - MSZ Rozkvet Prievidza - MSZ Tirnavia

A quotation by Stefan Klima, the long-lasting conductor of a choir Lucnica, the former director of a Slovak Philharmonic orchestra, the president of an Association of Slovak Conductors: “There is no singing group in a history of Slovak choir singing that has managed so quickly to get among the best choirs in Slovakia in only 4 years of its existence.”